Revolutionize Communication with Go Talk Now App for iPad - The Ultimate AAC Solution


Go Talk Now is an AAC app for iPad that helps people with communication difficulties express themselves. It's easy to use and customizable!

If you're looking for an innovative communication tool, then look no further than the Go Talk Now app for iPad. This powerful app allows individuals with communication difficulties to express themselves more effectively and efficiently. Whether you're a parent, caregiver, or therapist, this app is an essential tool that can make a huge difference in the lives of those who need it most.

One of the most impressive features of the Go Talk Now app is its user-friendly interface. The app is extremely easy to use and navigate, making it accessible to people of all ages and abilities. With just a few taps on the screen, users can create custom communication boards, add images and symbols, and personalize their messages to fit their unique needs.

Another great thing about Go Talk Now is its flexibility. The app allows users to choose from a variety of pre-designed templates or create their own customized layouts. This means that individuals can tailor their communication boards to suit their specific needs and preferences.

In addition to its customization options, Go Talk Now also offers a wide range of language options. The app supports over 20 different languages, making it a valuable tool for individuals who speak English as a second language or who live in multilingual communities.

For parents and caregivers, one of the most useful features of Go Talk Now is its ability to track progress and monitor usage. This feature allows you to keep track of how often your loved one uses the app, what messages they are sending, and how they are progressing in their communication skills.

Another great feature of the Go Talk Now app is its integration with other devices. The app can be used with iPads, iPhones, and iPod Touches, making it easy to share messages and communication boards across multiple devices.

If you're worried about the cost of the Go Talk Now app, rest assured that it is a worthwhile investment. The app is reasonably priced and comes with a wide range of features that make it an essential tool for anyone who is looking to improve their communication skills.

Whether you're a parent, caregiver, or therapist, the Go Talk Now app is an invaluable tool that can make a huge difference in the lives of those who need it most. With its user-friendly interface, customization options, and advanced tracking features, this app is a must-have for anyone who is looking to improve their communication skills.

So why wait? Download the Go Talk Now app today and start communicating more effectively and efficiently!


Go Talk Now is an iPad app designed to help users communicate effectively and independently. The app is created for individuals with communication difficulties such as autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, and other developmental disabilities. It is an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) app that allows users to express themselves by tapping on pictures or symbols. With the Go Talk Now app, users can create custom communication boards and use them to interact with others in their environment.

Features of the Go Talk Now App

The Go Talk Now app has several features that make it an excellent tool for people with communication difficulties. These features include:

Symbol Library

The app comes with a vast library of symbols and pictures that users can choose from to create their communication boards. The symbols are arranged under various categories such as food, emotions, actions, and many more.


Users can customize the symbols and pictures to match their needs and preferences. They can change the color, size, and shape of the symbols to make them more visible and attractive.

Voice Recording

The app allows users to record their voices to each symbol they choose. This feature enables users to communicate their message more effectively and expressively.


The text-to-speech feature allows users to type a message, and the app converts it into speech. This feature is particularly useful for individuals who have difficulty speaking or articulating their words.

Benefits of the Go Talk Now App

The Go Talk Now app provides several benefits to individuals with communication difficulties, including:

Improved Communication

The app enables users to communicate their needs and wants more effectively, thus reducing frustration and enhancing their quality of life.


The app empowers users to communicate independently without relying on others to interpret their needs.

Increased Socialization

The app enables users to interact with others in their environment more confidently, thus increasing their socialization skills.

Improved Learning and Education

The app can be used in educational settings to teach language and social skills to individuals with communication difficulties.

How the Go Talk Now App Works

The Go Talk Now app works by allowing users to create custom communication boards using symbols and pictures. Users can customize the symbols, record their voices, and add text-to-speech to each symbol. Once the communication board is created, users can tap on the symbols to express themselves.The app is easy to navigate, and users can switch between different communication boards seamlessly. The app also allows users to save their communication boards, making it easy to access them later.

Who Can Benefit from the Go Talk Now App

The Go Talk Now app is designed for individuals with communication difficulties such as autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, and other developmental disabilities. The app can also be used by individuals with speech or language disorders, aphasia, or injuries that affect their ability to communicate effectively.

Pricing and Availability

The Go Talk Now app is available for purchase on the Apple App Store for $99.99. The app is compatible with iPad devices running iOS 9.3 or later.


The Go Talk Now app is an excellent tool for individuals with communication difficulties. It provides several benefits such as improved communication, independence, increased socialization, and improved learning and education. The app is easy to use, customizable, and comes with a vast library of symbols and pictures. Although it may be pricey, the app is worth the investment for individuals who need it to communicate effectively and independently.

What is Go Talk Now app for iPad?

Go Talk Now app for iPad is an innovative communication and learning tool designed to help individuals with communication difficulties. It is a mobile application that can be downloaded from the App Store and installed on an iPad. The app allows users to create customized communication boards with symbols, pictures, and text, making it easier for them to express their thoughts, needs, and emotions.Go Talk Now app for iPad is a powerful tool that helps individuals who have difficulty communicating due to speech or language disorders, such as autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, or stroke. The app provides a user-friendly interface that enables users to create and customize their communication boards, making it easy for them to convey their message to others.

Features of Go Talk Now app for iPad

Go Talk Now app for iPad has several features that make it an excellent tool for communication and learning. Here are some of the key features of the app:

Customizable communication boards

The app allows users to create personalized communication boards by adding symbols, pictures, and text. Users can choose from over 10,000 symbols in the SymbolStix library or upload their own pictures to create a unique communication board that suits their needs.

Voice output

Go Talk Now app for iPad has a built-in voice output feature that allows users to hear their message spoken out loud. This feature is especially helpful for individuals who have difficulty speaking or articulating words.

Switch access

The app also has switch access capabilities, which enables users to control the app using a switch device. This feature is particularly useful for individuals with limited mobility or who use assistive technology devices.

Data tracking

Go Talk Now app for iPad also includes data tracking capabilities, which allow caregivers and therapists to monitor the user's progress and adjust their communication boards accordingly.

Who is Go Talk Now app for iPad designed for?

Go Talk Now app for iPad is designed for individuals of all ages who have difficulty communicating due to speech or language disorders. The app is particularly helpful for children with autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, or other developmental disabilities.The app is also useful for adults who have suffered a stroke or have a degenerative disease that affects their speech and language abilities. Go Talk Now app for iPad can be used in a variety of settings, including schools, homes, hospitals, and therapy clinics.

How to use Go Talk Now app for iPad?

Using Go Talk Now app for iPad is easy and straightforward. Here are the steps to get started:

Step 1: Download and install the app

First, download the app from the App Store and install it on your iPad.

Step 2: Create a new communication board

Next, create a new communication board by selecting New Board from the main menu. You can choose from several templates or create a custom board by adding symbols, pictures, and text.

Step 3: Customize the communication board

Customize the communication board by adding symbols, pictures, and text that represent the message you want to convey. You can also change the color, font, and size of the text to make it easier to read.

Step 4: Add voice output

Add voice output to the communication board by selecting the Speak button. You can also record your own voice to use as the voice output.

Step 5: Save and share the communication board

Save the communication board and share it with others by selecting the Share button. You can send the board via email, text message, or social media.

Benefits of using Go Talk Now app for iPad

There are many benefits to using Go Talk Now app for iPad. Here are some of the key benefits:

Improved communication

The app helps individuals with speech and language disorders communicate more effectively by providing a visual tool that supports their message.

Increased independence

Go Talk Now app for iPad enables individuals to express their needs and wants independently, reducing their reliance on caregivers and others.

Enhanced learning opportunities

The app also provides opportunities for learning and skill development by incorporating symbols and pictures into the communication boards. This feature is especially helpful for young children who are just beginning to learn language.

Customizable to individual needs

Go Talk Now app for iPad is highly customizable, allowing users to create communication boards that meet their specific needs and preferences.

Portable and convenient

The app is also portable and convenient, making it easy to use in a variety of settings, including at home, school, and therapy clinics.

Customizing Go Talk Now app for iPad to meet individual needs

One of the key features of Go Talk Now app for iPad is its customization capabilities. Users can create communication boards that are tailored to their individual needs and preferences. Here are some tips for customizing the app:

Choose symbols and pictures that are meaningful

When creating a communication board, choose symbols and pictures that are relevant and meaningful to the user. For example, if the user wants a drink, add a picture of a cup or a water bottle to the board.

Organize the communication board logically

Arrange the symbols and pictures on the communication board in a logical order that makes sense to the user. For example, group together items related to food and drink.

Use contrasting colors and clear fonts

To make the communication board easier to read, use contrasting colors and clear, easy-to-read fonts.

Include voice output for auditory feedback

Adding voice output to the communication board provides auditory feedback for the user and helps them reinforce their message.

Integrating Go Talk Now app for iPad with other communication and learning tools

Go Talk Now app for iPad can also be integrated with other communication and learning tools to enhance its effectiveness. Here are some examples of how to integrate the app with other tools:

Use with AAC devices

The app can be used in conjunction with augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices, such as speech-generating devices or switch devices, to provide additional support for communication.

Combine with social stories

Social stories are narratives that help individuals with autism or other developmental disabilities understand social situations and behaviors. Go Talk Now app for iPad can be used to create visual supports for social stories, making them more accessible and meaningful to the user.

Pair with educational apps

The app can also be paired with educational apps that incorporate symbols and pictures, such as reading or math apps, to provide additional learning opportunities for the user.

Tips for maximizing the effectiveness of Go Talk Now app for iPad

Here are some tips for maximizing the effectiveness of Go Talk Now app for iPad:

Practice using the app regularly

To become proficient in using the app, practice using it regularly with the user in different settings and situations.

Adjust the communication board as needed

As the user's needs and abilities change, adjust the communication board accordingly to ensure it continues to meet their needs.

Encourage independence

Encourage the user to use the app independently as much as possible to promote their independence and confidence.

Collaborate with caregivers and therapists

Work collaboratively with caregivers and therapists to create communication boards that are consistent across settings and to monitor the user's progress.

Support and resources available for Go Talk Now app for iPad users

Go Talk Now app for iPad has a robust support system and resources available for users. Here are some of the resources:

User guide and tutorials

The app comes with a user guide and tutorials that provide step-by-step instructions on how to use the app.

Online community

There is an online community of Go Talk Now app for iPad users where individuals can share tips, ideas, and support.

Customer support

The app also has customer support available to answer any questions or concerns that users may have.

Future developments and updates for Go Talk Now app for iPad

Go Talk Now app for iPad continues to evolve and improve with regular updates and developments. Some of the future developments and updates for the app include:

Improved data tracking and analytics

Future updates will include improved data tracking and analytics to provide more in-depth information on user progress and performance.

Expanded symbol library

New symbols will be added to the SymbolStix library to provide users with more options for creating custom communication boards.

Enhanced customization tools

The app will continue to develop enhanced customization tools to make it even easier for users to create personalized communication boards.In conclusion, Go Talk Now app for iPad is a powerful tool for individuals with speech and language disorders, providing them with a visual and auditory tool for communication and learning. With its customizable features, voice output, and switch access capabilities, the app is highly effective in helping individuals express their needs and wants independently. By integrating with other communication and learning tools and maximizing its effectiveness through regular practice, adjustments, and collaboration with caregivers and therapists, Go Talk Now app for iPad can significantly improve the quality of life for individuals with communication difficulties.

Go Talk Now App for iPad - A Comprehensive Review


Go Talk Now is an augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) app designed for individuals with speech and language impairments. It is a powerful tool that enables users to express themselves through symbols, pictures, and text.

Pros of Go Talk Now App for iPad

1. User-Friendly Interface: The app has a simple, intuitive interface that is easy to navigate, making it suitable for individuals of all ages and abilities.

2. Customizable: Go Talk Now allows you to personalize your communication boards by adding your own images, symbols, and audio recordings.

3. Multi-User Support: The app can be used by multiple users, with each user having their own individual settings and communication boards.

4. Cloud Syncing: Your communication boards can be backed up to the cloud, making it easy to access them from any device.

5. Language Options: The app supports multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Dutch.

Cons of Go Talk Now App for iPad

1. Cost: The app is relatively expensive compared to other AAC apps on the market.

2. Limited Free Images: The free version of the app comes with limited images, which may require users to purchase additional image packs.

3. Limited Compatibility: The app is only available for use on iPads, limiting its accessibility for individuals who do not have access to this device.

4. Steep Learning Curve: While the app is user-friendly, setting up and customizing communication boards may require some technical knowledge and skill.

Table Comparison

Feature Go Talk Now App for iPad Alternative AAC App
User-Friendly Interface Yes Varies
Customizable Yes Varies
Multi-User Support Yes Varies
Cloud Syncing Yes Varies
Language Options Multiple languages Varies
Cost Expensive Varies
Free Images Limited Varies
Compatibility iPad only Varies
Learning Curve Steep Varies


Overall, Go Talk Now is a powerful and customizable AAC app that can help individuals with speech and language impairments communicate effectively. While it has some drawbacks, its user-friendly interface, cloud syncing, and multi-user support make it a valuable tool for individuals, caregivers, and educators alike.

Thank You for Exploring Go Talk Now App for iPad

We hope that you have found our review of Go Talk Now App for iPad useful and informative. This app is a great tool for individuals with communication difficulties, especially those who have autism or developmental disorders. With its customizable features, intuitive interface, and straightforward design, this app can help users express themselves more effectively and confidently.

As we wrap up our discussion, let us summarize some of the key points we have covered in this article. Firstly, we have highlighted the main features of Go Talk Now App, such as its ability to create and edit communication boards, add images and audio, and organize content into categories. We have also explained how this app can be personalized to suit individual needs and preferences, including font size, color schemes, and switch access.

Furthermore, we have discussed some of the benefits and limitations of using Go Talk Now App for iPad. For instance, we have noted how this app can enhance communication skills, foster social interaction, and promote independence. However, we have also pointed out that this app may not be suitable for everyone, and that it may require some training and support to use effectively.

In addition, we have shared some tips and recommendations for using Go Talk Now App for iPad, such as creating visual schedules, practicing turn-taking, and incorporating real-life situations into communication tasks. We have also suggested some alternative apps and resources that may be helpful for users who need more advanced features or specialized support.

Before we conclude, we would like to remind our readers that Go Talk Now App for iPad is just one of many tools and strategies that can be used to support communication and language development. It is important to consult with professionals, such as speech therapists, educators, and medical practitioners, to determine the most appropriate interventions for each individual.

We would also like to encourage our readers to share their experiences and feedback with us. Have you used Go Talk Now App for iPad or other similar apps? What was your experience like? What tips or suggestions do you have for others who are exploring these tools? We value your input and insights, and we welcome your comments and questions.

Finally, we would like to thank you for taking the time to read our article and learn more about Go Talk Now App for iPad. We hope that this app can be a useful resource for you or your loved ones, and that it can contribute to improving communication, social skills, and overall quality of life.

People Also Ask About Go Talk Now App for iPad

What is Go Talk Now App?

Go Talk Now is an app for iPad that helps people with communication difficulties to express themselves by creating custom communication boards, visual schedules, and more. It is designed to help individuals with autism, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, and other disabilities to communicate effectively.

Is Go Talk Now App Free?

No, Go Talk Now is not a free app. It costs $99.99 to download from the App Store. However, there is a lite version of the app, called Go Talk Now Lite, which is available for free. But it has limited features compared to the full version.

What Features Does Go Talk Now App Offer?

Go Talk Now app offers various features, including:

  • Customizable communication boards with symbols and images
  • Text-to-speech and recorded speech options
  • Visual schedules for daily routines
  • Social stories to teach social skills
  • Built-in symbol library with over 10,000 symbols

Is Go Talk Now App Easy to Use?

Yes, Go Talk Now app is designed to be user-friendly and easy to use. It has a simple interface that allows users to create and customize communication boards quickly. The app also comes with video tutorials and a user guide to help users get started.

Can Go Talk Now App Be Used Offline?

Yes, Go Talk Now app can be used offline once it has been downloaded and installed on the iPad. However, users need an internet connection to download additional symbols or images from the symbol library.

Is Go Talk Now App Compatible with Other Devices?

No, Go Talk Now app is only compatible with iPad devices. It cannot be used on iPhones or Android devices.