Reflecting on 2016: A Year in Review with Facebook's Innovative App


Relive your 2016 memories with the Facebook Year in Review app. Share your highlights with friends and family, and celebrate the moments that mattered.

As we bid adieu to 2016, it's time to reminisce about the year that was. Facebook has been an integral part of our lives, and the Year in Review feature on the social media platform gives us a chance to look back at our most significant moments. From heartwarming memories to significant milestones, Facebook's algorithm picks out the best moments from our profiles and compiles them into one video. This feature has become an annual tradition for Facebook users worldwide, and it's always exciting to see what the algorithm has in store for us.

The year 2016 was undoubtedly eventful, and Facebook's Year in Review feature is a testament to that. It was a year of political upheavals, sporting triumphs, and technological advancements. The world witnessed the rise of nationalism, the fall of iconic personalities, and a shift towards renewable energy. It was a year that taught us to be resilient and optimistic, no matter what challenges we face. The Year in Review feature encapsulates all these moments and lets us relive them once again.

When we think of 2016, the first thing that comes to mind is the US Presidential Election. The race to the White House was one of the most talked-about events on Facebook, with millions of users sharing their opinions and views. From memes to videos, Facebook was inundated with content related to the election. The Year in Review feature captures this historic moment and reminds us of how important it is to exercise our right to vote.

For sports fans, 2016 was a year to remember. We saw Leicester City win the English Premier League, Portugal winning the Euro Cup, and the Chicago Cubs breaking their century-long curse by winning the World Series. The Year in Review feature celebrates these sporting achievements and reminds us of the joy and passion that sports can bring.

2016 was also a year of technological advancements. We saw the rise of virtual reality, drones becoming ubiquitous, and self-driving cars hitting the roads. The Year in Review feature highlights these technological innovations and shows us how far we've come in such a short period. It also gives us a glimpse of what the future holds.

Amidst all the chaos and turmoil, 2016 was also a year of heartwarming moments. From viral videos of people helping each other to stories of triumph over adversity, Facebook was filled with stories that made us smile. The Year in Review feature captures these moments and reminds us that there is still hope and goodness in the world.

The Year in Review feature on Facebook has become an annual tradition for many users. It's a chance to look back at our most significant moments and reflect on the year that was. Whether it's a milestone achieved or a lesson learned, the feature reminds us of how much we've grown and how far we've come. It's a celebration of life and a reminder to cherish every moment.

The year 2016 will always be remembered for its highs and lows. It was a year that made us laugh, cry, and everything in between. The Year in Review feature on Facebook encapsulates all these emotions and lets us relive them once again. It's a tribute to the human spirit and a celebration of the moments that make life worth living.

As we move forward into the new year, let's take a moment to appreciate the year that was. Let's cherish the memories, learn from the mistakes, and celebrate the triumphs. And, most importantly, let's look forward to the future with hope and optimism. The Year in Review feature on Facebook may be just an algorithm, but it's a reminder that our lives are made up of moments, and each moment is worth celebrating.

The Year in Review feature on Facebook has become a global phenomenon, with millions of users eagerly awaiting their personalized videos. It's a testament to the power of social media and its ability to connect people from all over the world. The feature reminds us that we're all part of a global community, and our stories matter. So, as we say goodbye to 2016 and hello to 2017, let's embrace the power of social media and continue to share our stories with the world.

In conclusion, the Year in Review feature on Facebook is more than just a compilation of our most significant moments. It's a celebration of life, a tribute to the human spirit, and a reminder that every moment counts. It's a chance to look back at the year that was and appreciate all that we've achieved. So, let's sit back, relax, and enjoy our personalized videos as we bid farewell to 2016 and welcome a new year filled with hope, love, and endless possibilities.


Facebook, the world's largest social networking site, has always kept its users engaged with its unique features and updates. The Year in Review app is one such feature that allows users to look back on their memories and highlights of the year. As we bid farewell to 2016, let's take a moment to review the significant events that took place this year, as captured by Facebook's Year in Review app.

Top Global Topics

Facebook's Year in Review app has revealed that the US Presidential Election was the most talked-about topic globally. The Brexit referendum, Black Lives Matter movement, and the Zika virus outbreak were also among the top global topics. The app analyzed the posts, comments, and reactions of over 1.7 billion Facebook users worldwide to determine these results.

Most Discussed Topics in the US

The US Presidential Election dominated Facebook conversations in the United States, with the debates, election day, and the results being the most discussed topics. Other popular topics included the Standing Rock protests, the Orlando shooting, and the deaths of celebrities like Muhammad Ali and Prince.

Live Videos

Facebook introduced Live videos in early 2016, allowing users to broadcast live from their smartphones. The feature gained immense popularity, with people sharing live videos of concerts, protests, and even childbirth. The Year in Review app revealed that Live videos were the most watched type of video on Facebook this year.

Popular Games and Apps

Pokémon Go was undoubtedly the biggest game of 2016, with millions of people all over the world playing it. The Year in Review app showed that the game was the most talked-about topic in the US, with people sharing their experiences of catching Pokémon and exploring new places. Other popular games included Clash Royale and


The Year in Review app allowed users to view their most significant moments of 2016, including photos, videos, and posts. Facebook generated personalized videos for its users, highlighting their most liked posts and moments of the year. Users could also create a custom video by choosing their own photos and posts.

Facebook Reactions

Facebook introduced Reactions earlier this year, allowing users to react to posts with emojis other than the classic like button. The Year in Review app showed that Love was the most used reaction, followed by Haha and Wow.

Charitable Causes

Facebook also played a significant role in promoting charitable causes this year. The social networking site allowed users to donate to various charities through its platform, raising millions of dollars for organizations like the Red Cross and UNICEF. Facebook also introduced a Donate button, making it easier for users to contribute to causes they care about.

Safety Check

Facebook's Safety Check feature was put to use several times this year, enabling people to mark themselves safe during natural disasters, terror attacks, and other crises. The feature was activated during the Brussels bombings, the Orlando shooting, and the earthquake in Italy, among others.

Friendship Milestones

The Year in Review app also highlighted friendship milestones, reminding users of the day they became friends with someone on Facebook and displaying the number of years they've been friends. Facebook also generated collages of friends' photos together, celebrating the memories they've shared.


As we look back on 2016, Facebook's Year in Review app has given us an insight into the year's most significant events, popular trends, and memorable moments. From the US Presidential Election to Pokémon Go, from Live videos to Reactions, Facebook has kept its users engaged throughout the year. As we move forward into 2017, we can only expect more exciting updates and features from the world's largest social networking site.

A Year in Review: Facebook App in 2016

As 2016 comes to a close, it's time to reflect on the year that was. For many of us, Facebook has been an integral part of our lives this year. From sharing photos and updates with friends and family to keeping up with the latest news and trends, Facebook has become a go-to platform for many of us. Let's take a look back at some of the most shared moments, biggest trends, and important developments in the world of Facebook in 2016.

The Most Shared Moments of 2016 on Facebook

Facebook is often the first place we turn to share important moments with our friends and family. In 2016, there were several moments that united people around the world and sparked conversation and sharing on Facebook.

One of the most shared moments on Facebook this year was the US presidential election. It was a divisive and polarizing election, and Facebook was at the center of much of the discussion. We'll dive deeper into Facebook's role in the election later in this article, but suffice it to say that the election dominated the conversation on Facebook in 2016.

Other shared moments included the Olympics, particularly the success of US swimmer Michael Phelps, and the tragic deaths of celebrities like David Bowie, Prince, and Muhammad Ali. Facebook also played a role in the Black Lives Matter movement, which we'll discuss later in this article.

How Facebook Reacted to the US Presidential Elections

Without a doubt, the US presidential election was the biggest story of 2016. Facebook played a significant role in the election, both in terms of how people consumed news and how they shared their opinions.

One of the most controversial aspects of Facebook's role in the election was the spread of fake news and hoaxes on the platform. Many people believe that fake news stories on Facebook may have influenced the outcome of the election. In response, Facebook has taken steps to combat fake news and hoaxes on the platform, including partnering with third-party fact-checkers and giving users tools to report fake news.

Another important development during the election was the rise of live video on Facebook. Both candidates used Facebook Live to broadcast events and rallies, and many news organizations used the platform to cover the debates and other campaign events. Live video became an important way for users to engage with the election and share their opinions in real time.

A Look Back at the Biggest Trends in Social Media This Year

Facebook is just one part of the larger world of social media, and there were several trends this year that impacted the industry as a whole.

One trend that continued to gain momentum in 2016 was the rise of messaging apps. Facebook Messenger, in particular, saw significant growth this year. The app now has over 1 billion monthly active users, and Facebook has been working to make it a standalone platform with features like chatbots and commerce integration.

Another trend that gained steam in 2016 was the push into virtual reality. Facebook acquired Oculus VR in 2014, and this year they released the Oculus Rift headset to much fanfare. While virtual reality is still in its early stages, Facebook sees it as a key part of the future of social media and has been investing heavily in the technology.

The Most Popular Live Videos on Facebook in 2016

As we mentioned earlier, live video was a big part of the election season. But it wasn't just politics that dominated the live video scene on Facebook in 2016.

One of the most popular live videos of the year was Candace Payne's Chewbacca Mom video. The video, which showed Payne laughing hysterically while wearing a Chewbacca mask, went viral and became the most-watched Facebook Live video of all time. Other popular live videos included Buzzfeed's Watermelon Explosion, which garnered over 800,000 views, and the New York Times' coverage of the election results, which attracted over 6 million viewers.

Facebook's Efforts to Combat Fake News and Hoaxes

As we mentioned earlier, fake news and hoaxes were a major issue during the US presidential election. Facebook has been criticized for not doing enough to combat the spread of false information on the platform.

In response, Facebook has taken several steps to address the issue. The company has partnered with third-party fact-checkers like Snopes and PolitiFact to help identify and flag fake news stories. Facebook has also given users tools to report fake news, and they are taking steps to reduce the financial incentives for publishers to create clickbait headlines.

The Launch of Facebook Marketplace and Its Impact

In October, Facebook launched Marketplace, a new feature that allows users to buy and sell items within the Facebook app. Marketplace is similar to Craigslist and other online marketplaces, but it has the advantage of being integrated into Facebook's existing platform.

Marketplace has the potential to be a significant revenue stream for Facebook, as the company could eventually take a cut of transactions that occur on the platform. However, there have been concerns about the safety and legality of transactions on Marketplace, and Facebook has had to deal with users selling illegal items and engaging in other shady behavior.

The Rise of Facebook Messenger as a Standalone Platform

As we mentioned earlier, Facebook Messenger has become a major player in the world of messaging apps. In 2016, Facebook took steps to make Messenger a standalone platform with its own ecosystem of apps and services.

One of the most significant developments was the launch of chatbots on Messenger. Chatbots are automated programs that can interact with users and provide them with information or services. Many businesses have already launched chatbots on Messenger, which could eventually turn the platform into a key part of the e-commerce landscape.

The Influence of Social Media on the Black Lives Matter Movement

The Black Lives Matter movement continued to be an important social issue in 2016, and social media played a significant role in the movement.

Facebook was one of the key platforms where people discussed and shared information about the movement. The platform was used to organize protests, share news stories, and raise awareness about issues related to police brutality and racial injustice.

However, there were also concerns about Facebook's role in censoring content related to the movement. Some activists accused the company of censoring posts and pages related to Black Lives Matter, while others argued that Facebook was not doing enough to combat hate speech and harassment on the platform.

Facebook's Push into Virtual Reality with Oculus

As we mentioned earlier, Facebook's acquisition of Oculus VR signaled the company's interest in virtual reality technology. In 2016, Facebook released the Oculus Rift headset, which is one of the most advanced VR devices on the market.

Facebook sees virtual reality as a key part of the future of social media. The company believes that VR will eventually allow people to connect with each other in new and innovative ways, and they have been investing heavily in the technology.

The Most Talked-About Celebrities and Events on Facebook This Year

Finally, let's take a look at the celebrities and events that dominated Facebook in 2016.

According to Facebook's year in review data, the most talked-about global topic was the US presidential election. Other topics that generated significant discussion included Brexit, the Zika virus outbreak, and the Black Lives Matter movement.

In terms of celebrities, the most talked-about person on Facebook was Cristiano Ronaldo, followed by Beyonce and J.K. Rowling. The most talked-about event was the Rio Olympics, followed by the US presidential election and the Super Bowl.


2016 was a big year for Facebook and social media as a whole. From the US presidential election to the rise of virtual reality, there were several key developments and trends that impacted the industry. As we move into 2017, it will be interesting to see what new developments and challenges arise in the world of social media.

My Point of View on Year in Review 2016 Facebook App


Year in Review is a Facebook app that allows users to look back at their most significant moments of the year. The app collates and presents the user's most liked photos, posts, and events on their timeline.

Pros of Year in Review 2016 Facebook App

  • The app provides an excellent opportunity for users to reminisce and reflect on their accomplishments throughout the year.
  • The app is visually appealing and easy to use, making it accessible to Facebook users of all ages and technical abilities.
  • Year in Review can be customized to highlight specific memories, such as travel, family, or career milestones.
  • The app can be shared with friends and family through Facebook, allowing others to celebrate the user's accomplishments and significant moments.

Cons of Year in Review 2016 Facebook App

  • The app's algorithm may not accurately represent the user's most significant moments, leading to frustration and disappointment.
  • Sensitive memories, such as the loss of a loved one or a painful breakup, may be included in the user's Year in Review, causing emotional distress.
  • The app's focus on likes and popularity may overshadow more meaningful moments that were not widely shared on Facebook.
  • Users who do not frequently update their Facebook profiles may have incomplete or inaccurate Year in Review features.

Comparison of Year in Review 2015 and Year in Review 2016

Feature Year in Review 2015 Year in Review 2016
Customization Users could choose from pre-selected themes such as Friends or Places. Users can select specific photos and posts to include in their Year in Review.
Algorithm The app's algorithm was criticized for including insensitive or inappropriate content, such as photos of ex-partners or deceased loved ones. The app's algorithm has been improved to exclude content that may cause emotional distress.
Sharing Users could share their Year in Review on Facebook or download it as a video. Users can share their Year in Review on Facebook or send it as a message to friends and family.
In conclusion, while Year in Review 2016 Facebook app has its advantages and disadvantages, it remains a popular feature that allows users to reflect on their accomplishments and significant moments. The app's customization features and improved algorithm make it a worthwhile tool for Facebook users looking to reminisce about the past year.

Closing Message: Reflecting on 2016 with the Facebook Year in Review App

As we come to the end of 2016, it's natural to reflect on the past year. And what better way to do so than with the Facebook Year in Review app? This app compiles your most memorable moments from the year based on your activity on the platform, including posts, photos, and life events.

If you haven't already, take a few minutes to check out your Year in Review. You might be surprised by what you see! Perhaps you forgot about that amazing trip you took back in May, or that time you finally ran that half marathon. Seeing these moments all in one place can be a powerful reminder of all the good things that happened in the past year.

Of course, not every moment of 2016 was positive. It was a year filled with political turmoil, tragic events, and loss. But even during the tough times, we can find moments of hope and love. Maybe it was the way your community came together after a tragedy, or the small acts of kindness you witnessed on a daily basis. These moments remind us that even in the darkest of times, there is still good in the world.

One thing I appreciate about the Year in Review app is that it shows us the power of connection. So many of our most memorable moments involve other people - friends, family, coworkers, and even strangers. Whether it was a shared experience or a supportive comment on a post, these interactions remind us that we are not alone in this world.

Another important aspect of the Year in Review is that it helps us recognize our own growth and development over the past year. Maybe you accomplished a personal goal, learned a new skill, or overcame a fear. These achievements can be easy to overlook in the day-to-day, but seeing them highlighted in your Year in Review can be a source of pride and motivation.

As we look ahead to 2017, it's important to take these lessons with us. We can use the Year in Review as a tool for setting goals and intentions for the new year. What do we want to accomplish? Who do we want to connect with? How can we make a positive impact on the world?

Of course, the Year in Review is just one way of reflecting on the past year. There are many other ways to look back and take stock of our lives, including journaling, talking with friends and family, or simply taking some quiet time for ourselves. Whatever method you choose, I encourage you to take the time to reflect on the past year, celebrate your accomplishments, and learn from your challenges.

Finally, I want to thank you for reading this blog post and for being a part of my own Year in Review. Writing these posts has been a highlight of my year, and I am grateful for the opportunity to share my thoughts and insights with you. I hope that you will continue to follow along in the new year.

So here's to 2016 - the ups, the downs, and everything in between. And here's to 2017 - may it be a year of growth, connection, and positive change.

People Also Ask About Year in Review 2016 Facebook App

What is Year in Review on Facebook?

Year in Review on Facebook is a special feature that shows you the highlights of your year based on your activity on the platform. It includes your most popular posts, photos, and other memorable moments that you have shared on Facebook over the past year.

How do I access Year in Review on Facebook?

To access Year in Review on Facebook, you need to log in to your account and click on the See Your Year in Review button that appears on your News Feed. You can also find the link to Year in Review in the More tab on the Facebook mobile app.

Can I customize my Year in Review on Facebook?

Yes, you can customize your Year in Review on Facebook by choosing the photos and posts that you want to include in it. You can also edit the title and description of your Year in Review to make it more personal and meaningful.

Can I share my Year in Review on Facebook with my friends?

Yes, you can share your Year in Review on Facebook with your friends by clicking on the Share button that appears on the top of your Year in Review page. You can choose to share it on your Timeline, in a private message, or in a Facebook Group.

Is Year in Review on Facebook available for everyone?

Yes, Year in Review on Facebook is available for all users who have an active account on the platform. However, you need to have enough activity on Facebook over the past year to generate a Year in Review.

What are the benefits of using Year in Review on Facebook?

Year in Review on Facebook allows you to reflect on your past year and see how much you have accomplished, learned, and grown. It also helps you reconnect with friends and family members by sharing your memorable moments with them. Overall, Year in Review on Facebook is a fun and easy way to celebrate your achievements and cherish your memories.