React App Rewired: Troubleshooting 'Command Not Found' Error - A Complete Guide to Fixing This Common React App Issue.


Encountering command not found error while using react-app-rewired command? Check out our solutions to fix the issue!

React is a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. It has revolutionized the way developers create web applications with its simplicity and flexibility. However, when working with React apps, you may encounter some errors that can be frustrating and time-consuming to fix. One of these errors is the command not found error when using the react-app-rewired command. This error can occur for several reasons, causing headaches for developers who are trying to get their projects up and running.

If you've encountered the command not found error when using react-app-rewired, you're not alone. Many developers have faced this issue while working on their React projects. The error message indicates that the system cannot find the react-app-rewired command, which is an essential tool for customizing the default configuration of a React app. This error can happen due to various reasons, ranging from incorrect installation to missing dependencies.

One of the most common causes of the command not found error is an incorrect installation of react-app-rewired. If you haven't installed it correctly, your system won't be able to locate the command when you try to run it. In some cases, you may have installed it globally instead of locally, which can also cause this error. Another possible reason is that you might be using an outdated version of react-scripts, which is a dependency of react-app-rewired.

Another reason for the command not found error is a mismatch between the versions of react-scripts and react-app-rewired. React-scripts is a dependency that provides scripts and configuration used by Create React App, while react-app-rewired allows you to customize those configurations. If you're using an incompatible version of either package, you may experience this error.

If you're working with multiple projects that use different versions of react-scripts, you may also encounter the command not found error. This happens because react-scripts is installed at the project level, and if you switch between projects, you might forget to install it in a new project or update it in an existing one. Similarly, if you're using different versions of react-app-rewired, you may face compatibility issues that cause this error.

To fix the command not found error, you need to identify the root cause first. Once you've determined the problem, you can try several solutions to resolve it. If the error is due to an incorrect installation of react-app-rewired, you can reinstall it using npm or yarn. Make sure you install it locally and not globally. You can also check if the package.json file in your project has the correct dependencies listed.

If you're facing the command not found error due to an outdated version of react-scripts or react-app-rewired, you can update them to the latest version. You can use npm or yarn to update the packages, depending on which package manager you prefer. Updating to the latest version can also fix compatibility issues between the packages, eliminating the error.

Another solution to the command not found error is to check your environment variables. Some developers have reported that adding the path to react-app-rewired in their environment variables resolved the issue for them. You can try this solution by adding the path to your .bashrc or .zshrc file.

If none of these solutions work, you can try deleting the node_modules folder and reinstalling all the dependencies. This may help in cases where there are conflicts or missing dependencies that are causing the error. You can also try clearing your cache or using a different terminal to see if that resolves the issue.

Overall, the command not found error can be frustrating, but it's not impossible to fix. With the right approach and some troubleshooting, you can get your React app up and running smoothly in no time. By identifying the root cause of the error and trying different solutions, you can overcome this issue and continue building amazing web applications with React.


React app rewired is a popular configuration tool that allows developers to override the default webpack configuration without ejecting the create-react-app. However, sometimes developers encounter an error message that says command not found when trying to run the react app rewired command. This can be frustrating and can bring development to a halt. In this article, we will explore some of the common reasons why the react app rewired command may not be found and how to fix it.

Missing Dependencies

One of the most common reasons why the react app rewired command may not be found is due to missing dependencies. If you have not installed the necessary dependencies for the react app rewired to function, you will encounter the command not found error message. To fix this issue, you need to ensure that you have installed all the necessary dependencies.

How to Install Dependencies

To install dependencies, you need to navigate to the root directory of your project and run the following command:```npm i react-app-rewired --save-dev```This command installs the react-app-rewired package as a dev dependency in your project. After installation, you should be able to run the react app rewired command without encountering any issues.

Path Issues

Another reason why the react app rewired command may not be found is due to path issues. If the path to the react app rewired package is not correctly defined in your system's environment variables, you will encounter the command not found error message. To fix this issue, you need to ensure that the path to the react app rewired package is correctly defined.

How to Define Path to React App Rewired Package

To define the path to the react app rewired package, you need to navigate to your system's environment variables and add the path to the react app rewired package. The path to the package should be in the following format:```C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\react-app-rewired\bin```Once you have added the path, you should be able to run the react app rewired command without any issues.

Incorrect Command Syntax

Sometimes, the command not found error message may be due to incorrect command syntax. If you have not typed the command correctly, or if you have misspelled the command, you will encounter this error message. To fix this issue, you need to ensure that you are typing the correct command syntax.

How to Check Command Syntax

To check the command syntax for the react app rewired command, you need to navigate to the root directory of your project and open the package.json file. In the scripts section of the file, you should see the following code:```scripts: start: react-scripts start, build: react-scripts build, test: react-scripts test, eject: react-scripts eject, start-rewired: react-app-rewired start, build-rewired: react-app-rewired build, test-rewired: react-app-rewired test```The start-rewired, build-rewired, and test-rewired commands are the react app rewired commands. Ensure that you are typing these commands correctly when running the react app rewired command.

Outdated Version of React App Rewired

Another reason why the react app rewired command may not be found is due to an outdated version of the package. If you are using an outdated version of the react app rewired package, you will encounter the command not found error message. To fix this issue, you need to update the react app rewired package to the latest version.

How to Update React App Rewired Package

To update the react app rewired package, you need to navigate to the root directory of your project and run the following command:```npm update react-app-rewired --save-dev```This command updates the react-app-rewired package to the latest version as a dev dependency in your project. After the update, you should be able to run the react app rewired command without encountering any issues.


In conclusion, encountering the command not found error message when running the react app rewired command can be frustrating. However, with the solutions provided in this article, you should be able to fix the issue and continue with your development. Ensure that you have installed all the necessary dependencies, defined the path to the react app rewired package correctly, typed the correct command syntax, and updated the react app rewired package to the latest version.

React App Rewired Command Not Found: Troubleshooting Guide

Introduction to React App Rewired

React App Rewired is a tool that allows developers to customize the webpack configuration of a Create React App project without ejecting it. With React App Rewired, developers can modify the webpack settings and add custom configurations to their projects. This tool saves developers time and effort by eliminating the need to eject their project and manually configure webpack.

Understanding the Command Line Interface (CLI)

Command Line Interface (CLI) is a way to interact with a computer's operating system using text commands. In order to use React App Rewired, developers must use the command line interface to run specific commands.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Before diving into the React App Rewired Command Not Found Error, let's first take a look at some common issues that developers encounter when using command line interfaces:
  • Misspelling commands or options
  • Not executing the command from the correct directory
  • Incorrect permissions for running the command
  • Not having the necessary software installed

React App Rewired Command Not Found Error

One of the most common errors that developers encounter when using React App Rewired is the command not found error. This error message indicates that the command being executed is not recognized by the command line interface.

Possible Causes of the Error

There are several possible causes of the command not found error when using React App Rewired:
  • React App Rewired is not installed on the computer
  • The command is misspelled or incorrectly formatted
  • The command is being executed from the wrong directory
  • The command is not being executed with the correct permissions
  • There is a conflict with other software or packages installed on the computer

How to Check if React App Rewired is Installed

Before troubleshooting the command not found error, it's important to check if React App Rewired is installed on your computer. To check if React App Rewired is installed, open a command line interface and enter the following command:

npx react-app-rewired -v

If React App Rewired is installed, the command will return the version number of the tool. If React App Rewired is not installed, the command will return an error message.

Installing React App Rewired

If React App Rewired is not installed on your computer, you can install it using npm (Node Package Manager). To install React App Rewired, open a command line interface and enter the following command:

npm install react-app-rewired --save-dev

This command will install React App Rewired and save it as a development dependency in your project's package.json file.

Configuring React App Rewired

Once React App Rewired is installed, you need to configure it to work with your project. To do this, create a file called config-overrides.js in the root directory of your project. This file will contain your custom webpack configurations.For example, if you want to add a custom loader to your webpack configuration, you can add the following code to your config-overrides.js file:
module.exports = function override(config, env)  // Add your custom loader to the webpack configuration config.module.rules.push({ test: /\.custom$/, use: 'custom-loader' }); return config;;

Running React App Rewired Successfully

Once React App Rewired is installed and configured, you can run it successfully by using the following command:

npm run start

This command will start your project using the custom webpack configuration specified in your config-overrides.js file.

Conclusion and Further Resources for Troubleshooting

React App Rewired is a powerful tool that allows developers to customize their webpack configuration without ejecting their project. However, there are several possible causes of the command not found error when using this tool.By checking if React App Rewired is installed, installing the tool if necessary, configuring it to work with your project, and running it using the correct command, you can troubleshoot and resolve the command not found error.If you encounter any other issues while using React App Rewired, there are several resources available online, including the official documentation and community forums. With the right tools and resources, you can use React App Rewired to streamline your development process and create more efficient, customized projects.

React App Rewired Command Not Found: A Point of View

What is React App Rewired?

React App Rewired is a popular tool used to customize the configurations of Create React App without ejecting. It allows you to override the default configurations such as Webpack, Babel, and others.

The Issue with Command Not Found

Recently, some developers have reported encountering an error where they receive a message stating command not found when trying to run the react-app-rewired command. This issue could occur due to various reasons such as outdated dependencies, incorrect installation, or conflicts with other packages.

Pros and Cons of React App Rewired Command Not Found

  1. It forces developers to update their dependencies and ensure that all packages are installed correctly.
  2. It may indicate conflicts with other packages, which can help identify and resolve issues.
  1. It can be frustrating for developers who are new to React App Rewired and may not know how to troubleshoot the issue.
  2. It can cause delays in development as developers spend time resolving the issue.

Comparison Table: React App Rewired vs Create React App

Feature React App Rewired Create React App
Customization Allows for easy customization of configurations Does not allow for customization without ejecting
Dependencies May require additional dependencies to function properly Comes with all necessary dependencies pre-installed
Ease of Use May have a steeper learning curve for beginners Easy to use and get started with
Flexibility Offers more flexibility in terms of configuration options Less flexible due to limited configuration options

In conclusion, encountering the command not found error with React App Rewired can be frustrating but it also has its benefits. It can help identify issues and force developers to update their dependencies. React App Rewired is a powerful tool that offers more customization options but may have a steeper learning curve compared to Create React App.

Closing Message: Troubleshooting React App Rewired Command Not Found

Thank you for taking the time to read our guide on how to troubleshoot the React App Rewired Command Not Found error. We hope that this article has given you a better understanding of the problem and its potential solutions.

If you are still experiencing issues after trying the suggested fixes, we recommend reaching out to the React community for further assistance. There are many forums and communities where developers can ask for help, share ideas, or collaborate on projects.

Remember that every project is unique, and it's entirely normal to encounter problems along the way. It's essential to stay patient and persistent when troubleshooting problems like the React App Rewired Command Not Found error.

When you encounter a problem, the first step is always to identify the source of the issue. In this case, we determined that the error was caused by an outdated version of the react-scripts package. By updating the package to the latest version, we were able to resolve the issue.

Another crucial step in troubleshooting is to follow a systematic approach. We recommend starting with the most straightforward solutions before moving on to more complex ones. This helps to eliminate potential causes one by one, making it easier to identify the root cause of the problem.

It's also essential to keep your development environment up to date. New versions of packages and dependencies are often released to address bugs and security vulnerabilities. By keeping your environment up to date, you can ensure that your project runs smoothly and securely.

We also encourage you to explore different resources online, such as documentation, tutorials, and videos. These can provide valuable insights into best practices, common issues, and how to troubleshoot common errors.

If you're new to React development, we recommend starting with the official React documentation. It provides an excellent introduction to the framework, and it covers essential topics such as getting started, components, hooks, and more.

Finally, we'd like to remind you that programming is a continuous learning process. Even experienced developers encounter new challenges and learn new things every day. Embrace this learning journey and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

Thank you again for reading our guide on how to troubleshoot the React App Rewired Command Not Found error. We hope that you found it helpful and informative, and we wish you the best of luck in your development journey!

People Also Ask About React App Rewired Command Not Found

What is React App Rewired?

React App Rewired is a tool that allows you to override the default configuration of Create React App without ejecting. It provides a simple API for configuring Webpack, Babel, and Jest.

Why am I seeing Command not found when trying to use React App Rewired?

If you are seeing Command not found when trying to use React App Rewired, it is likely that the package has not been installed globally on your system. To fix this, you can install React App Rewired globally by running the following command:

  1. npm install -g react-app-rewired

How do I use React App Rewired?

To use React App Rewired, you need to create a config-overrides.js file in the root directory of your project. This file should export a function that takes in the default configuration object and returns a modified version of it. Here's an example:

const path = require('path');module.exports = function override(config, env)  // Add a new alias to the webpack config config.resolve.alias['@components'] = path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/components'); return config;

Once you have created your config-overrides.js file, you can run your app using the following command:

  1. react-app-rewired start

Can I still use the default configuration with React App Rewired?

Yes, you can still use the default configuration with React App Rewired. If you do not provide a modified configuration object in your config-overrides.js file, the default configuration will be used.

Is React App Rewired compatible with Create React App version 2?

Yes, React App Rewired is compatible with Create React App version 2. However, it is not yet compatible with Create React App version 3.

Overall, React App Rewired is a useful tool for customizing the configuration of Create React App without ejecting. By installing it globally, creating a config-overrides.js file, and using the react-app-rewired command, you can easily modify your app's Webpack, Babel, and Jest configurations.