How to Resolve Owlet App Connection Issues with Base: Troubleshooting Tips for Parents


Having trouble connecting your Owlet app to the base? Follow these simple troubleshooting steps and get back to monitoring your little one in no time!

If you're a parent, you know how important it is to keep an eye on your little one. That's why the Owlet app has become so popular in recent years. This app allows you to monitor your baby's heart rate and oxygen levels in real-time, giving you peace of mind when you need it most. However, what do you do when the Owlet app won't connect to the base?

It's a frustrating situation that can leave you feeling helpless and worried about your baby's safety. But don't panic just yet – there are a few things you can try to get your Owlet app back up and running.

Firstly, check your Wi-Fi connection. The Owlet app relies on a stable internet connection to communicate with the base station. If your Wi-Fi signal is weak or spotty, it could be the reason why you're having trouble connecting. Try moving closer to your router or resetting your Wi-Fi connection to see if that helps.

If that doesn't work, try restarting both the Owlet app and the base station. Sometimes, the app or base station can experience glitches that cause connectivity issues. Restarting both devices can help clear these glitches and get the app and base station talking to each other again.

Another thing to check is whether your Owlet app and base station are on the same network. If you have multiple Wi-Fi networks in your home, make sure both devices are connected to the same one. Otherwise, they won't be able to communicate with each other.

If none of these solutions work, it may be time to reach out to Owlet support for assistance. They can help troubleshoot the issue and determine if there's a hardware problem that needs to be addressed.

One common reason why the Owlet app won't connect to the base is due to outdated software. Make sure both your app and base station are running the latest version of the software. This can be easily checked in your device's settings or by contacting Owlet support.

Another potential issue could be interference from other electronic devices. If you have a lot of other electronics in your home, such as microwaves or cordless phones, they could be interfering with the Owlet app's signal. Try moving the base station to a different location or adjusting the frequency to see if that helps.

In some cases, the issue may be related to your smartphone or tablet. Make sure your device is compatible with the Owlet app and meets the minimum requirements for running the app. You may also want to try uninstalling and reinstalling the app to see if that helps.

If all else fails, it may be time to consider a different baby monitor system altogether. While the Owlet app is a popular choice for many parents, there are plenty of other options on the market that may better suit your needs.

Overall, dealing with connectivity issues between the Owlet app and base station can be frustrating, but there are plenty of solutions to try before giving up. By following these tips and reaching out to Owlet support when necessary, you can keep your little one safe and sound while getting the peace of mind you need as a parent.

The Owlet App

The Owlet app is a mobile application that helps parents monitor their infants' oxygen levels and heart rates. It is connected to an Owlet Smart Sock, which is a wearable device that fits onto the baby's foot. The app alerts parents if the child's readings are outside of the recommended range, giving them peace of mind and helping them take timely action when necessary. Despite its usefulness, some users have reported issues with the app not connecting to the base.

Understanding the Issue

The Owlet app connects to the base through Wi-Fi. Therefore, if you're experiencing issues with the app not connecting to the base, it could be due to a problem with your Wi-Fi network. This could be caused by various factors such as signal interference, outdated firmware, or incorrect network settings. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue.

Check Your Wi-Fi Signal Strength

The first step is to ensure that your Wi-Fi signal strength is strong enough to connect to the base. If the signal is weak or intermittent, the app may not be able to establish a connection with the base. You can use a Wi-Fi analyzer app to check your signal strength and identify any sources of interference that may be affecting your network's performance.

Update Your Firmware

If your Wi-Fi signal strength is good, the next step is to check if your firmware is up-to-date. Outdated firmware can cause connectivity issues and limit the app's functionality. To update your firmware, visit the Owlet website and download the latest version. Follow the instructions provided in the user manual to install the update.

Check Network Settings

If you've checked your Wi-Fi signal strength and updated your firmware but are still experiencing issues, it's time to check your network settings. Ensure that your network name and password are correct and that the network is not hidden. Also, check if your router is configured to block certain types of traffic, such as multicast or UDP. These settings can affect the app's ability to connect to the base.

Restart Your Devices

When all else fails, restarting your devices may help resolve the issue. Turn off your mobile device and base station, unplug them from the power source, and wait for a few minutes before plugging them back in. This will reset the devices and clear any temporary glitches that may be impacting their performance.


In conclusion, the Owlet app is an excellent tool for parents who want to monitor their infants' vital signs. However, connectivity issues can make it challenging to use the app effectively. By following the steps outlined above, you can troubleshoot the issue and get the app working correctly. If the issue persists, contact Owlet customer support for further assistance.

Troubleshooting Basics for Owlet App Connection Issues

The Owlet app is a great tool for parents to monitor their baby's health while they are sleeping. However, there are times when the app might fail to connect to the base, which can be frustrating for parents. If you're experiencing connectivity issues with your Owlet app, don't worry, as there are several troubleshooting steps that you can follow to get it up and running again.

Possible Reasons Why the Owlet App Won't Connect to the Base

Before diving into the solutions for connectivity problems, it's essential to understand the possible reasons why your Owlet app might not be connecting to the base. One of the most common reasons is a weak Wi-Fi signal. The Owlet device needs a strong Wi-Fi connection to communicate with the app, so if the signal is weak, it will struggle to connect.Another reason could be outdated firmware or app version. If either of these is outdated, the app may be unable to connect to the base. Additionally, incorrect settings on your smartphone, such as Bluetooth or Wi-Fi settings, could also prevent the app from connecting to the base.

How to Reset Your Owlet Base and App for Connectivity Problems

If you're experiencing connectivity issues with your Owlet device, one of the first things to try is resetting both the base and the app. Here's how to do it:1. Unplug the Owlet base from the power source.2. Close the Owlet app on your smartphone.3. Wait for a few minutes before plugging the Owlet base back in.4. Once the base is powered up, open the Owlet app on your smartphone.5. Follow the prompts to reconnect the app to the base.This process should reset any connectivity issues that were preventing the app from working correctly.

Tips for Ensuring a Stable Wi-Fi Connection with Your Owlet Device

If your Wi-Fi signal is weak or unstable, it can cause connectivity issues with your Owlet device. Here are some tips to ensure a stable Wi-Fi connection:1. Place your Wi-Fi router near the Owlet device.2. Make sure that the Wi-Fi signal is strong in the room where the Owlet device is placed.3. Keep your Wi-Fi router updated with the latest firmware.4. Reduce interference from other devices by turning off unused Wi-Fi devices.

Updating Your Owlet App and Firmware for Better Connectivity

If you're experiencing connectivity issues with your Owlet app, it could be due to outdated firmware or app versions. To update your Owlet device, follow these steps:1. Open the Owlet app on your smartphone.2. Go to the settings option and select Device Settings.3. Check if there are any updates available for the firmware or app version.4. If there are updates available, download and install them.After updating your Owlet device, try connecting it to the app again to see if the issue has been resolved.

Solutions for Owlet App Connection Problems on iOS Devices

If you're using an iOS device and are experiencing connectivity issues with your Owlet app, here are some solutions that you can try:1. Check if your iOS device is running the latest version of the operating system.2. Turn off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi on your iOS device and then turn them back on.3. Force quit the Owlet app and then reopen it.4. Reset network settings on your iOS device by going to Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings.

Troubleshooting Owlet App Connection Issues on Android Devices

If you're using an Android device and are experiencing connectivity issues with your Owlet app, here are some solutions that you can try:1. Check if your Android device is running the latest version of the operating system.2. Turn off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi on your Android device and then turn them back on.3. Force quit the Owlet app and then reopen it.4. Clear the cache and data for the Owlet app by going to Settings > Apps > Owlet > Storage > Clear Cache and Clear Data.

Common Errors and Error Codes When Connecting Owlet App to Base

If you're experiencing connectivity issues with your Owlet app, you may receive error codes or messages. Here are some common errors and their solutions:1. Error Code 0x0003: This error code indicates a weak Wi-Fi signal. Move the Owlet device closer to the Wi-Fi router or consider getting a Wi-Fi extender.2. Error Code 0x0006: This error code indicates that the firmware needs to be updated. Follow the steps mentioned above to update the firmware.3. Error Code 0x0007: This error code indicates that the Owlet app needs to be updated. Follow the steps mentioned above to update the app.

How to Troubleshoot Owlet App Connectivity Problems with Support

If you're still experiencing connectivity issues with your Owlet app, you can contact Owlet support for further assistance. Here's how to troubleshoot Owlet app connectivity problems with support:1. Go to the Owlet website and navigate to the support section.2. Select Contact Us and fill out the form with your details and a brief description of the issue.3. Submit the form, and a support representative will get back to you shortly.

When to Contact Owlet Customer Support for App and Base Connection Issues

If you've tried all of the above solutions and are still experiencing connectivity issues with your Owlet app, it's time to contact Owlet customer support. Here are some instances when you should contact support:1. If you're receiving error codes that you can't resolve on your own.2. If you've followed all the troubleshooting steps and are still unable to connect to the Owlet app.3. If you require further assistance with setting up your Owlet device.In conclusion, connectivity issues with the Owlet app can be frustrating, but there are several troubleshooting steps that you can follow to resolve them. By following the tips and solutions mentioned above, you should be able to get your Owlet app up and running smoothly again. Remember, if you require further assistance, don't hesitate to contact Owlet customer support.

Owlet App Won't Connect to Base: My Point of View


As a user of the Owlet Smart Sock 2, I have experienced the frustration of the Owlet app not connecting to the base. This issue can be concerning for parents who rely on the device to monitor their baby's heart rate and oxygen levels. In this article, I will share my perspective on this problem and provide pros and cons of the Owlet app not connecting to the base.

Pros of Owlet App Not Connecting to Base

1. Provides peace of mind: When the Owlet app fails to connect to the base, it can be frustrating. However, it also means that parents are not constantly checking the app and can relax knowing that their baby is safe.

2. Forces users to check the device: If the Owlet app is not working, parents are forced to check the device manually. This ensures that they are more aware of their baby's health and can take action if necessary.

3. Opportunity to troubleshoot: When the Owlet app is not connecting to the base, it provides an opportunity for users to troubleshoot and fix any issues with the device or app.

Cons of Owlet App Not Connecting to Base

1. Loss of monitoring: When the Owlet app is not working, parents lose the ability to monitor their baby's heart rate and oxygen levels in real-time. This can cause anxiety and stress for parents.

2. Inconvenience: Checking the device manually can be inconvenient, especially during the night when parents are tired and sleep-deprived.

3. Risk of missed alerts: If the Owlet app is not connected to the base, parents may miss alerts if their baby's heart rate or oxygen levels drop below safe levels. This can put their baby at risk.

Comparison Table

Pros Cons
Provides peace of mind Loss of monitoring
Forces users to check the device Inconvenience
Opportunity to troubleshoot Risk of missed alerts


In conclusion, the Owlet app not connecting to the base can have both pros and cons. While it can provide peace of mind and an opportunity to troubleshoot, it can also result in a loss of monitoring and missed alerts. It is important for parents to be aware of these factors and take appropriate action to ensure their baby's safety.

Conclusion: Troubleshooting Owlet App Connection Issues

Congratulations! You have made it to the end of our comprehensive guide on troubleshooting Owlet app connection issues. We hope that you found the information we have provided useful and informative. The Owlet app is an essential tool for parents who want to keep a close eye on their baby's health and well-being, but it can be frustrating when it won't connect to the base.

As we have discussed throughout this article, there are several possible reasons why your Owlet app might not be connecting to the base. These can range from simple issues like low battery levels or connectivity problems to more complex issues like firmware updates or hardware malfunctions.

However, with the help of our step-by-step troubleshooting guide, you should be able to identify the cause of your connection issues and find a solution to get your Owlet app up and running again.

Remember to start by checking the basics, such as ensuring that your Wi-Fi network is working correctly and that your device is fully charged. If these steps don't work, move on to more advanced troubleshooting methods like resetting your device, updating firmware, or contacting Owlet customer support for assistance.

If you do need to contact customer support, be sure to have all the necessary information on hand, such as your device's serial number and firmware version. This will help them to diagnose the issue quickly and provide you with the best possible solution.

It's also worth noting that Owlet regularly releases firmware updates to improve the performance and functionality of its devices. So, if you're experiencing connection issues, it's always a good idea to check if there's an available update that may help to resolve the problem.

In conclusion, while connection issues with the Owlet app can be frustrating, they are usually straightforward to fix with a little troubleshooting. Whether you're a new parent or a seasoned pro, it's essential to have a reliable baby monitor that you can trust to keep your little one safe and sound. With the Owlet app, you can do just that.

Thank you for taking the time to read our guide. We hope that you found it helpful and that you're now able to get your Owlet app up and running again. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. We'd love to hear from you!

People Also Ask About Owlet App Won't Connect to Base

Why is the Owlet app not connecting to the base?

There are several reasons why the Owlet app may not be connecting to the base, including:

  • Poor Wi-Fi connection
  • Outdated app or firmware
  • Interference from other wireless devices
  • Low battery level on the monitor or phone

How can I fix the Owlet app not connecting to the base?

To fix the issue of the Owlet app not connecting to the base, you can try the following steps:

  1. Make sure the base and monitor are connected to a stable Wi-Fi network.
  2. Update the app and firmware to the latest version.
  3. Turn off any other wireless devices that may be interfering with the signal.
  4. Ensure that both the monitor and phone have sufficient battery levels.
  5. Try resetting the Wi-Fi network and restarting the base and monitor.

What should I do if the Owlet app still won't connect to the base?

If the above steps do not resolve the issue of the Owlet app not connecting to the base, you can contact Owlet customer support for further assistance. They may be able to provide additional troubleshooting steps or offer a replacement if the device is defective.