Boost Your Engagement: Get More Instagram Comments with Our Top Android App Picks


Get more comments on your Instagram posts with the easy-to-use Android app. Boost engagement and grow your following today!

If you're an avid Instagram user, you know how important it is to get comments on your posts. Not only do they boost your engagement rate, but they also provide valuable feedback from your followers. However, getting comments on Instagram isn't always easy, especially if you're just starting out or have a small following. That's where the Instagram app for Android comes in. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, this app can help you increase your comment count and improve your overall Instagram experience.

One of the best ways to get more comments on Instagram is to engage with your followers. This means responding to their comments, liking their posts, and following them back. The Instagram app for Android makes it easy to do this by providing a streamlined interface that allows you to view your notifications, messages, and profile all in one place. You can also use the app to search for relevant hashtags and follow popular accounts in your niche.

Another great way to get comments on Instagram is to create high-quality content that resonates with your audience. This could be anything from stunning photos to funny memes to informative videos. Whatever you choose to post, make sure it's visually appealing and adds value to your followers' feeds. You can also use the Instagram app to edit and enhance your photos with filters, stickers, and text overlays.

Of course, there are certain strategies you can use to encourage more comments on your posts. For example, you could ask your followers a question or opinion in your caption, or run a contest or giveaway that requires participants to comment on your post. You could also collaborate with other Instagram users in your niche to cross-promote each other's content and expand your reach.

If you're struggling to come up with ideas for Instagram content, don't worry - the Instagram app has plenty of tools to inspire you. For example, you can browse the Explore page to see what's trending in your industry, or use the Save feature to bookmark posts that you find interesting or inspiring. You can also use the app to track your analytics and see which types of content are resonating with your audience.

One thing to keep in mind when trying to get more comments on Instagram is that it's important to be authentic and genuine. Don't just post content for the sake of getting likes and comments - make sure it aligns with your brand values and resonates with your audience. And when responding to comments, take the time to craft thoughtful and personalized replies that show you value your followers' input.

Another tip for getting more comments on Instagram is to use hashtags strategically. Hashtags are a great way to increase your reach and attract new followers who are interested in your niche. However, it's important to use them sparingly and only include ones that are relevant to your post. You can also create your own branded hashtag to encourage your followers to use when posting about your brand or products.

Finally, don't be afraid to experiment with different types of content and strategies to see what works best for you. The Instagram app for Android provides a wealth of resources and tools to help you optimize your Instagram presence and get more comments on your posts. By staying engaged with your followers, creating high-quality content, and using smart marketing tactics, you can build a strong and thriving Instagram community.

In conclusion, getting comments on Instagram is an important part of building your brand and engaging with your followers. Whether you're a business owner, influencer, or just a regular user, the Instagram app for Android can help you achieve your goals and grow your following. By using the tips and strategies outlined in this article, you can increase your comment count, improve your engagement rate, and build a loyal and dedicated audience on Instagram.


Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in today's world. People use it to share their photos and videos with their friends and family. Getting comments on your Instagram posts is one of the best ways to increase engagement and grow your following. In this article, we will discuss some of the best ways to get comments on Instagram app Android.

1. Post high-quality content

One of the most important factors that determine the number of comments on your Instagram posts is the quality of your content. You need to post interesting and visually appealing photos and videos that will grab the attention of your followers.

Use high-quality images

Make sure that your images are of high-quality and well-lit. Use a good camera or a smartphone with a high-quality camera to take your photos. Avoid blurry or pixelated images as they can be unappealing to your followers.

Create engaging captions

Your captions should be creative and engaging. They should be able to capture the attention of your followers and make them want to leave a comment on your post. Ask questions or create a call-to-action in your captions to encourage your followers to engage with your content.

2. Use relevant hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to increase the visibility of your Instagram posts. When you use relevant hashtags, your posts will be seen by people who are interested in the same topics as you. This can lead to more comments on your posts.

Research popular hashtags

Do some research to find out which hashtags are popular in your niche. Use these hashtags in your posts to increase their visibility. You can also create your own branded hashtag to make it easier for your followers to find your posts.

Don't overuse hashtags

While hashtags can be beneficial, it's important not to overuse them. Too many hashtags can make your post look spammy and unprofessional. Stick to a few relevant hashtags that will help your posts get seen by the right people.

3. Engage with other users

Engaging with other Instagram users is a great way to increase your visibility and get more comments on your posts. When you engage with other users, they are more likely to engage with your content in return.

Like and comment on other posts

Take the time to like and comment on other people's posts. This will help you build relationships with other users in your niche and increase your visibility on the platform.

Respond to comments

When someone leaves a comment on your post, make sure to respond to them. This will show your followers that you value their feedback and encourage them to leave more comments in the future.

4. Host giveaways

Hosting giveaways is a great way to increase engagement and get more comments on your Instagram posts. You can ask your followers to leave a comment on your post to enter the giveaway.

Create a clear set of rules

Make sure to create a clear set of rules for your giveaway. This will help prevent confusion and ensure that everything runs smoothly.

Choose a prize that is relevant to your niche

Choose a prize that is relevant to your niche to attract the right audience. This will increase the chances of getting comments from people who are interested in your content.

5. Collaborate with other users

Collaborating with other Instagram users is a great way to increase your visibility and get more comments on your posts.

Find users in your niche

Find other Instagram users in your niche and reach out to them about collaborating. This can include shoutouts, collaborations on content, or giveaways.

Be clear about your goals for the collaboration

Make sure to be clear about your goals for the collaboration. This will help ensure that both parties are on the same page and can work together effectively.


Getting comments on your Instagram posts is important for increasing engagement and growing your following. By posting high-quality content, using relevant hashtags, engaging with other users, hosting giveaways, and collaborating with other users, you can increase the number of comments on your Instagram posts.
The Importance of Comments on InstagramInstagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with over 1 billion active users. It is a powerful tool for businesses and individuals to reach their target audience and promote themselves or their brand. However, gaining followers and likes is not enough to succeed on Instagram. One of the most important metrics to measure success on Instagram is engagement, which includes comments. Comments are a way for users to interact with each other and show their appreciation for the content they see on Instagram. They can also provide valuable feedback to the creator or business owner. Comments can also help increase visibility by boosting the post’s engagement, which can lead to more organic reach. Therefore, it is crucial to focus on getting more comments on your Instagram posts.How to Get More Comments on Your Instagram PostsThere are several strategies that you can use to increase the number of comments on your Instagram posts. Here are some of the most effective ones:1. Post Engaging Content: The first step to getting more comments is to post content that is interesting and engaging. You should focus on creating high-quality content that resonates with your target audience. This can include photos, videos, or text posts that are relevant to your niche.2. Ask Questions: One of the easiest ways to encourage comments is to ask questions in your captions. This can be as simple as asking your followers what they think about your post or asking for their opinion on a particular topic. By doing this, you are giving them a reason to engage with your post.3. Host Contests: Another effective way to increase engagement and get more comments is to host contests. You can ask your followers to comment on your post to enter the contest, which can help increase the number of comments. Just make sure that the prize is worth the effort.4. Use Call-to-Actions: A call-to-action (CTA) is a prompt that encourages users to take a specific action. You can use CTAs in your captions to encourage your followers to comment on your post. For example, you can ask them to tag a friend who would like your post or to share their thoughts in the comments.5. Post at the Right Time: Timing is everything on Instagram. You should post when your followers are most active to increase the chances of getting more comments. You can use Instagram Insights to determine the best time to post for your audience.Strategies for Increasing Engagement on InstagramEngagement is the key to success on Instagram. The more engagement you get, the more visible your posts will be. Here are some strategies that you can use to increase engagement on your Instagram account:1. Use Hashtags: Hashtags are a powerful tool for increasing engagement on Instagram. They help improve the visibility of your posts by making them discoverable to users who are interested in the same topic. You should use relevant hashtags in your captions to reach a wider audience.2. Engage with Other Users: Engaging with other users is a great way to increase your visibility and build relationships on Instagram. You can like, comment, and share other users' posts to show your support and encourage them to do the same for you.3. Post Consistently: Consistency is key on Instagram. You should post regularly to keep your followers engaged and interested in your content. You can use a content calendar to plan your posts ahead of time and ensure that you are posting consistently.4. Share User-Generated Content: Sharing user-generated content is a great way to increase engagement and build relationships with your followers. You can ask your followers to tag you in their posts or use a branded hashtag to make it easier for you to find their content.5. Collaborate with Others: Collaborating with other users is a great way to increase your visibility and reach new audiences. You can collaborate with other users on a project or host an Instagram takeover to showcase each other's content.The Power of Hashtags in Encouraging CommentsHashtags are a powerful tool for increasing engagement on Instagram. They help improve the visibility of your posts by making them discoverable to users who are interested in the same topic. Hashtags can also help encourage comments on your posts. Here are some tips for using hashtags to increase comments:1. Use Relevant Hashtags: You should use relevant hashtags in your captions to reach a wider audience. Make sure that the hashtags you use are related to the content of your post.2. Use Branded Hashtags: Branded hashtags are hashtags that are unique to your brand or business. You can use branded hashtags to encourage your followers to share their experiences with your brand and to make it easier for you to find user-generated content.3. Participate in Hashtag Challenges: Hashtag challenges are a great way to encourage engagement and increase visibility. You can participate in existing hashtag challenges or create your own.4. Use Hashtags in Your Stories: You can also use hashtags in your Instagram Stories to increase engagement and encourage comments. Just add the hashtag to your Story and encourage your viewers to comment on your post.Engaging with Your Followers to Encourage CommentsEngaging with your followers is one of the most effective ways to encourage comments on your Instagram posts. Here are some tips for engaging with your followers:1. Respond to Comments: You should always respond to comments on your posts. This shows your followers that you value their feedback and encourages them to engage with your content in the future.2. Ask Questions: As mentioned earlier, asking questions in your captions is a great way to encourage comments. You can also ask questions in your Instagram Stories to encourage engagement.3. Host Q&A Sessions: Hosting Q&A sessions is a great way to engage with your followers and encourage comments. You can ask your followers to send in their questions and answer them in a separate post or Instagram Story.4. Share User-Generated Content: Sharing user-generated content is a great way to engage with your followers and encourage comments. You can ask your followers to tag you in their posts or use a branded hashtag to make it easier for you to find their content.Utilizing Instagram's Features to Encourage CommentingInstagram has several features that you can use to encourage commenting on your posts. Here are some of the most effective ones:1. Instagram Live: Instagram Live is a feature that allows you to stream live video to your followers. You can use this feature to engage with your audience in real-time and encourage comments.2. Instagram Stories: Instagram Stories is a feature that allows you to share temporary photos and videos with your followers. You can use this feature to ask questions, host polls, and encourage comments.3. IGTV: IGTV is a feature that allows you to share long-form videos with your followers. You can use this feature to create content that encourages comments and engagement.4. Instagram Reels: Instagram Reels is a feature that allows you to create short-form videos with music and special effects. You can use this feature to create engaging content that encourages comments.The Benefits of Responding to Comments on Your PostsResponding to comments on your posts is important for several reasons. Here are some of the benefits of responding to comments:1. Builds Relationships: Responding to comments shows your followers that you value their feedback and are interested in building a relationship with them.2. Increases Engagement: Responding to comments encourages your followers to engage with your content in the future, which can increase your overall engagement.3. Improves Visibility: Responding to comments can improve the visibility of your posts by boosting your engagement and increasing the likelihood of your post being seen by more users.Encouraging User-Generated Content to Boost CommentsUser-generated content is a powerful tool for boosting engagement and increasing comments on your Instagram posts. Here are some tips for encouraging user-generated content:1. Use Branded Hashtags: Branded hashtags are hashtags that are unique to your brand or business. You can use branded hashtags to encourage your followers to share their experiences with your brand and to make it easier for you to find user-generated content.2. Host Contests: Hosting contests is a great way to encourage user-generated content. You can ask your followers to create content related to your brand or business and then share it on Instagram using a specific hashtag.3. Share User-Generated Content: Sharing user-generated content is a great way to increase engagement and build relationships with your followers. You can ask your followers to tag you in their posts or use a branded hashtag to make it easier for you to find their content.Analyzing Your Instagram Metrics to Improve CommentingAnalyzing your Instagram metrics is important for improving your overall performance on the platform. Here are some tips for analyzing your metrics to improve commenting:1. Track Your Engagement Rate: Your engagement rate is the percentage of your followers who engage with your content. You can use this metric to determine how well your posts are performing and to identify areas for improvement.2. Monitor Your Comments: You should monitor your comments to see which posts are getting the most engagement and to identify the types of content that are resonating with your audience.3. Use Instagram Insights: Instagram Insights is a free analytics tool that provides valuable insights into your account's performance. You can use this tool to track your engagement, monitor your comments, and identify areas for improvement.Best Practices for Commenting on Other Users' Posts to Encourage EngagementEngaging with other users is an important part of building relationships on Instagram. Here are some best practices for commenting on other users' posts to encourage engagement:1. Be Genuine: Your comments should be genuine and authentic. Avoid using generic comments that could apply to any post.2. Be Relevant: Your comments should be relevant to the content of the post. Avoid making comments that are not related to the post.3. Be Positive: Your comments should be positive and uplifting. Avoid making negative or critical comments.4. Ask Questions: Asking questions is a great way to encourage engagement. You can ask the user a question related to the content of their post to encourage them to respond.In conclusion, getting more comments on your Instagram posts is crucial for increasing engagement and building relationships with your followers. By following these strategies and best practices, you can increase the number of comments on your posts and improve your overall performance on Instagram. Remember to engage with your followers and provide valuable content that resonates with your target audience.

Get Comments on Instagram App Android: A Perspective


Instagram is a popular social media platform that has a user base of over one billion active users worldwide. The app provides various features such as photo sharing, video sharing, and messaging. One of the essential features of Instagram is the ability to comment on posts. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of getting comments on Instagram app Android.

Pros of Getting Comments on Instagram App Android

1. Increased engagement: Comments on Instagram posts can increase engagement rates on your profile. It provides an opportunity for followers to interact with you and other followers, creating a sense of community.

2. Feedback: Comments can provide feedback on your posts, helping you understand what your audience likes and dislikes.

3. Improved SEO: Comments on Instagram posts can also improve your SEO ranking. Search engines consider comments as a sign of engagement, which can positively impact your visibility online.

Cons of Getting Comments on Instagram App Android

1. Negative comments: While comments can be helpful, they can also be negative. Negative comments can harm your brand's reputation, and it can be challenging to manage them effectively.

2. Trolls: Trolls are people who intentionally post inflammatory or off-topic messages in comments. They can be disruptive and discourage others from engaging with your content.

3. Spam: Instagram comments can be used for spamming, which can lead to a poor user experience for your followers.

Comparison Table

Pros Cons
- Increased engagement - Negative comments
- Feedback - Trolls
- Improved SEO - Spam


Getting comments on Instagram app Android can be both beneficial and challenging. While comments can increase engagement rates and provide feedback, they can also be negative, disruptive, and spammy. As a user, it is essential to manage comments effectively to maintain your brand's reputation and create a positive user experience for your followers.

Conclusion: Get More Comments on Instagram App for Android

Thank you for taking the time to read this article on getting more comments on Instagram for Android. We hope that the tips and strategies we have shared will help you grow your Instagram presence and engage with your followers more effectively.

Remember that Instagram is all about building relationships, so it's important to engage with your audience in a genuine and meaningful way. By taking the time to respond to comments and interact with your followers, you can build a community of loyal fans who are excited to follow your journey and support your brand.

One of the key takeaways from this article is the importance of creating high-quality content that resonates with your audience. Whether you're sharing photos, videos, or stories, make sure that your content is visually appealing, informative, and relevant to your niche.

Another important strategy for getting more comments on Instagram is to use hashtags effectively. By using relevant hashtags that are popular in your niche, you can increase your visibility and attract new followers who are interested in your content.

Additionally, it's important to be consistent and post regularly on Instagram. By posting on a consistent schedule, you can train your followers to expect new content from you and keep them engaged with your brand over time.

Finally, don't be afraid to experiment with different types of content and engagement strategies to see what works best for your audience. Whether you're hosting giveaways, asking questions, or sharing behind-the-scenes content, there are many ways to encourage your followers to comment and interact with your brand on Instagram.

In conclusion, getting more comments on Instagram for Android is all about building relationships, creating high-quality content, and engaging with your audience in a genuine and authentic way. By following the tips and strategies we have shared in this article, you can grow your Instagram presence and build a loyal community of followers who are excited to support your brand.

Thank you for reading, and we wish you all the best in your Instagram journey!

People Also Ask About Getting Comments on Instagram App Android

Why are comments important on Instagram?

Comments are important on Instagram because they help increase engagement and build relationships with followers. They also show that people are interested in your content and can help attract new followers.

How can I get more comments on my Instagram posts?

There are several ways to get more comments on your Instagram posts:

  • Engage with your followers by responding to their comments and direct messages.
  • Use hashtags relevant to your niche to attract new followers and potential commenters.
  • Create engaging captions that encourage people to leave a comment.
  • Post at the right time when your followers are most active.

Can I buy comments on Instagram?

Yes, there are services that offer to sell Instagram comments. However, this is not a recommended practice as it can harm your account's reputation and credibility. Authentic engagement from real followers is always more valuable than fake engagement.

How do I manage negative comments on Instagram?

It's important to acknowledge negative comments and respond in a professional and respectful manner. You can address any concerns or issues raised in the comment and offer a solution if possible. However, if the comment is abusive or violates Instagram's community guidelines, you can delete it or report it to Instagram.

In conclusion

Getting comments on Instagram can help boost engagement and grow your following. By engaging with your followers, using relevant hashtags, creating engaging captions, and posting at the right time, you can increase the likelihood of receiving comments on your posts. It's also important to manage negative comments in a professional manner and avoid buying fake engagement.