App Annie's State of Mobile 2021: The Ultimate Guide to the Future of Mobile App Industry


App Annie's State of Mobile 2021 report provides valuable insights into the mobile industry, including trends, growth, and opportunities.

App Annie, the leading mobile data and analytics company, has recently released its highly anticipated report on the State of Mobile in 2021. This comprehensive report provides insights into the latest trends in the mobile industry, including app usage, consumer spending, and emerging technologies. With over 3.5 billion smartphone users worldwide, mobile has become an integral part of our daily lives, and the report sheds light on how this trend is shaping the future of the industry.

The report reveals that mobile app usage has continued to grow significantly, with consumers spending more time on their devices than ever before. In fact, App Annie predicts that by 2023, the average person will spend over four hours a day on their mobile device. This trend has been driven by the pandemic, which has forced people to rely on their phones for everything from work to entertainment.

Another key finding of the report is the surge in consumer spending on mobile apps. In 2020, consumers spent over $143 billion on mobile apps, a whopping 20% increase from the previous year. This trend is expected to continue, with App Annie forecasting that consumer spending will reach $270 billion by 2025. This growth is being driven by the rise of mobile commerce, with more and more consumers using their phones to shop and make payments.

One of the most interesting trends highlighted in the report is the emergence of new technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). These technologies are transforming the way we interact with our devices, and are opening up new opportunities for businesses to engage with their customers. For example, AR technology is being used by retailers to create immersive shopping experiences, while VR is being used by travel companies to offer virtual tours of destinations.

Despite the many opportunities presented by mobile technology, there are also challenges that need to be addressed. One of the biggest challenges facing the industry is the issue of app discoverability. With millions of apps available on the app stores, it can be difficult for developers to get their apps noticed by consumers. App Annie suggests that improving app store optimization (ASO) and investing in marketing are key strategies for developers looking to increase their app's visibility.

The report also highlights the importance of user retention in the mobile industry. With so many apps available, consumers have a low tolerance for apps that don't meet their expectations. App Annie recommends that developers focus on providing a high-quality user experience, and regularly update their apps with new features and improvements to keep users engaged.

Another challenge facing the industry is the increasing concern around data privacy and security. With more and more personal information being shared through mobile devices, consumers are becoming more aware of the need to protect their data. App Annie suggests that companies need to be transparent about their data collection practices, and take steps to ensure that user data is protected.

In conclusion, the State of Mobile 2021 report provides valuable insights into the latest trends and challenges facing the mobile industry. With the continued growth of mobile app usage and consumer spending, it's clear that mobile is here to stay. However, businesses need to be aware of the challenges they face, and take steps to address them in order to succeed in this rapidly evolving industry.


App Annie, the leading mobile data and analytics company, recently released its annual report on the state of mobile for 2021. The report covers a wide range of topics related to the mobile industry, including app downloads, usage, and revenue, as well as emerging trends and predictions for the future of mobile.

Global App Downloads

The report reveals that global app downloads reached a record high of 218 billion in 2020, up 7% from the previous year. The COVID-19 pandemic played a significant role in this increase, as people spent more time at home and turned to mobile apps for entertainment, socializing, and work. Gaming apps were the most downloaded category, followed by finance and social media apps.

Emerging Markets Driving Download Growth

The report highlights that emerging markets such as India, Brazil, and Indonesia are driving download growth. These markets have large populations with increasing access to smartphones and mobile internet, making them attractive targets for app developers. In fact, India surpassed the US as the top country for app downloads in 2020.

Mobile App Usage

The report also shows that mobile app usage increased significantly in 2020, with people spending an average of 4.2 hours per day on their mobile devices. Social media and messaging apps saw the largest increase in usage, as people sought to stay connected with friends and family during the pandemic. Entertainment and gaming apps also saw a boost in usage.

Mobile E-commerce on the Rise

The report notes that mobile e-commerce is on the rise, with consumers increasingly using their mobile devices to shop online. In fact, mobile e-commerce is projected to reach $3 trillion in 2021. This trend is driven by the convenience and accessibility of mobile shopping, as well as the growing adoption of mobile payment methods.

Mobile Advertising

The report highlights the importance of mobile advertising, which has become a key revenue source for many app developers. In 2020, mobile ad spend reached $240 billion, up 26% from the previous year. The report also notes that in-app advertising is becoming more popular, as it allows developers to target users with personalized ads based on their app usage and behavior.

Privacy Concerns and Ad Tracking

The report acknowledges the growing concern around privacy and ad tracking, particularly with the recent changes to Apple's iOS 14.5 update, which requires apps to obtain user consent before tracking their data. This could impact the effectiveness of targeted advertising and lead to changes in the mobile advertising landscape.

Emerging Trends

The report identifies several emerging trends in the mobile industry, including the rise of mobile gaming, the increasing importance of mobile e-commerce, and the growing adoption of mobile payments. It also predicts that augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) will become more prevalent in mobile apps, creating new opportunities for developers and marketers.

The Future of Mobile

The report concludes with predictions for the future of mobile, including the continued growth of emerging markets, the increasing importance of privacy and data security, and the rise of new technologies such as 5G and edge computing. The report also emphasizes the need for app developers and marketers to stay ahead of these trends and adapt to the evolving mobile landscape.


Overall, App Annie's State of Mobile report for 2021 provides valuable insights into the current state of the mobile industry, as well as predictions for the future. The report highlights the importance of mobile apps and advertising, as well as emerging trends and technologies that will shape the industry in the coming years. As the mobile landscape continues to evolve, it is essential for app developers and marketers to stay informed and adapt to these changes.

The State of Mobile 2021: The Growth of the Mobile Market

The mobile market has been growing at an unprecedented rate in recent years and this trend is set to continue in 2021. According to App Annie's State of Mobile report for 2021, the global mobile app market is expected to grow by 23% year-over-year, reaching $120 billion in consumer spending.This growth is being driven by a number of factors, including the rising popularity of mobile devices, the increasing availability of high-speed internet, and the proliferation of mobile apps across a wide range of industries.

The Impact of COVID-19 on Mobile Usage

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on the mobile industry, accelerating many of the trends that were already underway. With people spending more time at home and relying on their mobile devices for work, entertainment, and communication, mobile usage has skyrocketed.According to App Annie, time spent in mobile apps grew by 40% year-over-year in Q2 2020. This surge in usage has been particularly pronounced in categories such as gaming, social media, and entertainment.

The Rise of Mobile Gaming and Its Future

Mobile gaming has emerged as one of the most popular categories in the mobile app market. In fact, App Annie predicts that mobile gaming will account for 60% of consumer spending in the app stores in 2021.This trend is being driven by a number of factors, including the increasing quality of mobile games, the rise of multiplayer and social features, and the growing sophistication of in-app monetization models. As mobile devices continue to become more powerful and capable, the future of mobile gaming looks bright.

The Dominance of Social Media Apps

Social media apps continue to dominate the mobile app market, with platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok boasting billions of users worldwide. In fact, App Annie reports that social media apps accounted for 25% of all time spent in mobile apps in 2020.This dominance is unlikely to wane anytime soon, as social media platforms continue to innovate and expand their offerings, including features like live streaming, e-commerce, and augmented reality.

The Importance of App Store Optimization (ASO)

With millions of apps available in the app stores, it's more important than ever for app developers to optimize their listings for maximum visibility and discoverability. App Store Optimization (ASO) is the process of optimizing an app's listing for the app stores, including factors like keywords, descriptions, and visual assets.According to App Annie, apps that invest in ASO see up to a 10% increase in downloads compared to those that don't. As competition in the app stores continues to intensify, ASO will become an increasingly critical factor in app success.

The Emergence of App Subscription Models

App subscriptions have emerged as a popular monetization model for many app developers, offering a recurring revenue stream and fostering long-term engagement with users. In fact, App Annie reports that subscription-based apps grew 34% year-over-year in 2020.This trend is being driven by the growing popularity of subscription-based services across a wide range of industries, as well as the increasing sophistication of in-app subscription models and pricing strategies.

The Battle for App Store Supremacy between Google Play and Apple App Store

The battle for supremacy between the two major app stores, Google Play and Apple App Store, continues to rage on. While both stores have their strengths and weaknesses, they remain the dominant players in the global mobile app market.According to App Annie, the Apple App Store generated nearly twice as much consumer spending as Google Play in 2020, despite having fewer downloads. However, Google Play dominates in terms of total app downloads, highlighting the importance of understanding the nuances of each platform and optimizing accordingly.

The Globalization of Mobile Apps and Their User Base

Mobile apps are increasingly global in nature, reaching users across the world and breaking down traditional geographic barriers. In fact, App Annie reports that the top 500 apps in the app stores are used by people in over 200 countries.This trend is being driven by the increasing availability of high-speed internet and mobile devices, as well as the growing demand for localized content and experiences. As the world becomes more connected, the opportunities for app developers to reach new audiences continue to expand.

The Role of Mobile Advertising in App Monetization

Mobile advertising remains a critical component of app monetization, with many developers relying on ads to generate revenue. However, as competition in the mobile ad space continues to intensify, it's becoming increasingly important for app developers to focus on delivering high-quality, engaging ad experiences that don't detract from the user experience.App Annie reports that in-app advertising generated $240 billion in global revenue in 2020, highlighting the significant potential of this monetization model.

The Challenges and Opportunities for App Developers in 2021

As the mobile market continues to evolve and grow, app developers face a number of challenges and opportunities. Key among these is the need to stay ahead of changing consumer trends and expectations, while also navigating the complexities of the app stores and the broader mobile ecosystem.However, with the right strategies and tools in place, app developers can capitalize on the enormous potential of the mobile market and drive meaningful engagement and revenue.

My Point of View on App Annie State of Mobile 2021


As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion, as I am based on data and algorithms. However, I can provide a general point of view about the App Annie State of Mobile 2021 report.The App Annie State of Mobile 2021 report is a comprehensive overview of the mobile app industry, providing insights into the latest trends, market share, and user behavior across the globe. The report covers various topics, including mobile gaming, social media, e-commerce, and finance, among others.

Pros of App Annie State of Mobile 2021

The App Annie State of Mobile 2021 report is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the mobile app industry. Some of the pros of the report include:
  • Comprehensive coverage of the mobile app industry across the globe
  • Insights into the latest trends, market share, and user behavior
  • Easy-to-understand visualizations and charts
  • Detailed analysis of specific app categories and markets
  • Useful recommendations for app developers and marketers

Cons of App Annie State of Mobile 2021

While the App Annie State of Mobile 2021 report is an excellent resource, there are some cons to consider:
  • The report is focused on the mobile app industry, so it may not be relevant to those outside of this field
  • The report is quite lengthy, which may make it challenging to read and digest all the information at once
  • The report requires a paid subscription to access some of the more in-depth analysis and data
  • The report may be biased towards App Annie's own products and services, as it is their own report

Table Comparison of Keywords

Here is a table comparing some of the essential keywords related to the App Annie State of Mobile 2021 report:
Keyword Definition Importance
Mobile app industry The market for software applications designed to run on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. High
Trends The general direction in which something is developing or changing. High
Market share The percentage of total sales in a given market that is held by a particular company or product. High
User behavior The actions and activities of users when interacting with digital products. High
Visualizations Graphical representations of data or information, often used to help people understand complex concepts or relationships. Medium
Analysis The process of examining data or information to extract insights or conclusions. High
Recommendations Suggestions or advice on how to improve or optimize performance based on data and analysis. Medium
Paid subscription A service that requires payment in exchange for access to premium content or features. Low
In conclusion, the App Annie State of Mobile 2021 report is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the mobile app industry. While there are some cons to consider, the pros outweigh them, making it an essential tool for app developers and marketers looking to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and user behavior.

The State of Mobile 2021: A Closing Message to Our Blog Visitors

Thank you for joining us as we explored the latest findings and insights from App Annie's State of Mobile 2021 report. We hope that this comprehensive analysis has given you a better understanding of the mobile industry and its impact on businesses and consumers worldwide.

As we've seen, mobile usage has continued to soar over the past year, with global app downloads reaching a record-breaking 218 billion in 2020. This growth is being fueled by a combination of factors, including the pandemic-induced shift to remote work and play, rising consumer demand for convenience and personalization, and the ongoing evolution of mobile technology and infrastructure.

At the same time, however, the mobile landscape is becoming increasingly complex, dynamic, and competitive. With millions of apps vying for users' attention and loyalty, businesses must stay agile, innovative, and data-driven to succeed in today's mobile-first world.

One key takeaway from the State of Mobile 2021 report is the importance of mobile advertising in driving user acquisition and engagement. As more and more users turn to their mobile devices for entertainment, shopping, communication, and more, businesses must prioritize their mobile ad strategies to reach their target audiences effectively.

In particular, the report highlights the growing role of in-app advertising, which allows businesses to deliver highly targeted and relevant ads to users within the context of their mobile experiences. By leveraging data-driven insights and innovative ad formats, businesses can create engaging and personalized ad experiences that drive conversions and build brand loyalty.

Another critical factor in mobile success is app store optimization (ASO), which involves optimizing various elements of an app listing to improve its visibility, downloads, and user ratings and reviews. As the report notes, ASO is becoming more important than ever in a crowded and competitive app marketplace, and businesses must invest in ongoing optimization efforts to stay ahead of the curve.

At the same time, businesses must also be mindful of privacy and security concerns, which are increasingly top-of-mind for consumers in the wake of high-profile data breaches and scandals. By adopting best practices in data protection and transparency, businesses can build trust with their users and mitigate the risks of reputational damage and legal liability.

Looking forward, the State of Mobile 2021 report identifies several key trends and opportunities that businesses can leverage to drive growth and innovation in the coming year:

  • The rise of super apps and digital ecosystems that offer a wide range of services and features within a single platform
  • The growing importance of mobile gaming as a major entertainment category and revenue driver
  • The emergence of new technologies and formats, such as 5G, augmented reality (AR), and live streaming, that are transforming the mobile experience
  • The increasing role of mobile in shaping consumer behavior and preferences across industries, from e-commerce to finance to healthcare

Ultimately, the State of Mobile 2021 report underscores the critical role that mobile is playing in the modern economy and society. As businesses continue to adapt and evolve in response to changing user needs and market dynamics, mobile will remain a key driver of innovation, growth, and opportunity.

Thank you again for joining us on this journey through the State of Mobile 2021 report. We hope that you've found it informative and valuable, and we look forward to continuing to explore the latest trends and insights in the mobile industry with you in the future.

People Also Ask about App Annie State of Mobile 2021

What is App Annie State of Mobile 2021?

App Annie State of Mobile 2021 is a comprehensive report that provides insights on the mobile industry, such as app trends, consumer behavior, and market outlook. It covers data from over 30 countries, analyzing the impact of COVID-19 on mobile usage, app monetization strategies, and emerging technologies.

What are the key takeaways from App Annie State of Mobile 2021?

The key takeaways from App Annie State of Mobile 2021 are:

  1. The app economy reached new heights in 2020, with consumers spending $143 billion on apps and mobile games.
  2. The pandemic accelerated digital transformation, leading to a surge in mobile usage across all categories.
  3. Video conferencing apps, remote learning tools, and mobile gaming were among the top categories that experienced significant growth.
  4. App store optimization (ASO) and user acquisition (UA) became critical factors for app success, as competition intensified.
  5. The use of emerging technologies, such as 5G, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR), is on the rise, creating new opportunities for app developers.

How can businesses leverage the insights from App Annie State of Mobile 2021?

Businesses can leverage the insights from App Annie State of Mobile 2021 in several ways:

  • Identify market trends and consumer preferences to develop a winning app strategy.
  • Optimize app store presence and user acquisition campaigns to increase visibility and downloads.
  • Explore new monetization models and revenue streams, such as subscriptions, in-app purchases, and advertising.
  • Incorporate emerging technologies, such as AR and VR, to enhance user experience and differentiate from competitors.
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the mobile industry to seize opportunities and mitigate risks.